Combining spirituality & science, past & present to build our shared future.

As a non-profit led by Rajiv Malhotra, we publish books & videos, fund research, speak at events, and engage with the media.

We are a non-profit based in Princeton, New Jersey and India focused on research and education

Infinity Foundation is a non-profit organization based in Princeton (USA) and India, focused on research and education. It specializes in the field of civilization studies applying the Dharma lens to examine a broad range of topics. It disseminates its unique research findings through books, videos and public events.

The foundation seeks to create dialogue that breaks out of the dualities of anti- and pro- globalization forces, of the right vs. the left, of secularism vs. religion, of science vs. spirituality, of economic growth vs. ecological preservation. Globalization can be a positive force but it cannot simply be translated to Westernization of the planet — in cultural norms, in academic frameworks, in knowledge systems and in definitions of progress and patterns of development. To do so has enormous ecological implications in both biological and cultural terms. To create a global family, a “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”, requires that indigenous non-Western civilizations get a seat on the table as equals in crafting the frameworks of discourse, rather than simply being used as exotic artifacts to be plugged into an overall Euro-Centric framework. Revitalizing the Indic discourse and helping India find its own voice in this dialogue is a key part of the mission.

The foundation has given over 400 grants for research, education and philanthropy, including grants to leading institutions of higher education, specialized research centers, as well as grants to many individual scholars. It has also organized several conferences and scholarly events in USA and India to bring out a balanced view of the many positive contributions from the Indian civilization.

The foundation has published game-changing original research that is widely disseminated through books, blogs and social media. It has a defined set of themes and goals in which it strives to be the leading think tank.

Recent books

Indra’s Net

This book offers a detailed, systematic rejoinder to such views, and articulates Hindu dharma’s multi-dimensional, holographic understanding of reality. Originating in the Atharva Veda, the concept of Indra’s Net is a powerful metaphor for this inter-relatedness.

Rajiv Malhotra
AI & The Future of Power

Artificial intelligence is only partially visible, just like an iceberg. To understand it fully, we must look beneath the surface. The positive side is that technology is making machines smarter.

Rajiv Malhotra
Sanskrit Non-Translatables

Sanskrit Non-Translatables is a path-breaking and audacious attempt at Sanskritizing the English language and enriching it with powerful Sanskrit words. It continues the original and innovative idea of non-translatability of Sanskrit, first introduced in the book, Being Different. For English readers, this should be the starting point of the movement to resist the digestion of Sanskrit into English, by introducing loanwords into their English vocabulary without translation.

Rajiv Malhotra
Battle for Sanskrit

There is a new awakening that is challenging the ongoing westernization of the discourse about India. The Battle for Sanskrit seeks to alert traditional scholars of Sanskrit and sanskriti ‑ Indian civilization ‑ concerning an important school of thought that has its base in the US and that has started to dominate the discourse on the cultural, social and political aspects of India.

Rajiv Malhotra
Academic Hinduphobia

Soon after my initial articles, Wendy Doniger’s own University of Chicago® Magazine interviewed me and did a large and balanced coverage. It was their leading story. The Doniger camp was shaken up at the vulnerability of this icon of Hindu studies.

Rajiv Malhotra
Being Different

India is more than a nation state. It is also a unique civilization with philosophies and cosmologies that are markedly distinct from the dominant culture of our times – the West.

Rajiv Malhotra
Breaking India

This book has emerged as a result of several experiences that have deeply influenced my research and scholarship over the past decade. In the 1990s, an African-American scholar at Princeton University casually told me that he had returned from a trip to India, where he was working with the ‘Afro-Dalit Project’.

Rajiv Malhotra

Recent videos

Recent Writings

What The Buddhist Translation Project Can Teach Rohan Murty And The Rest Of Us – By Rajiv Malhotra

The Buddhists have been diligently at work on a massive translation project that is expected to continue for a few generations. There is a lot to learn from this.

Published by
Rajiv Malhotra
Indic Mathematics: India and the Scientific Revolution by David Gray, PhD

The study of mathematics in the West has long been characterized by a certain ethnocentric bias, a bias which most often manifests not in explicit racism, but in a tendency toward undermining or eliding the real contributions made by non-Western civilizations.

Published by
Infinity Foundation
Beyond Postmodernism: Towards a Future Psychology

Paper presented by Kundan at the Second International Integral Psychology Conference, 2001 held at Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, India.

Published by
Infinity Foundation

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